JUBA Cheap Men's Nike EXP-X14 Shoes Primarily Blue , July 21 (Xinhua) -- Three Western countries on Fridaycondemned continuing violence in South Sudan and urged thegovernment to end offensives against opposition forces near theEthiopian border.

In a joint statement issued in Juba, Norway, Britain and theUnited States which are members of the Troika (peace dealguarantors) condemned the current offensive against SPLM-InOpposition (SPLM-IO) forces near Pagak Cheap Women's Nike M2K Tekno Pink Foam Shoes , as well as ongoing roadambushes and attacks by the SPLM-IO.

The countries backed regional bloc, the IntergovernmentalAuthority on Development (IGAD) which had urged President SalvaKiir to ensure that his forces respect the unilateral ceasefire,for the armed opposition groups to reciprocate the ceasefire Cheap Men's Nike Air Max 360 All Black Shoes , andfor all groups to allow the unfettered delivery of humanitarianassistance to all those in need.

"We also welcome IGAD's announcement of a high-levelrevitalization forum for the South Sudan peace process," thecountries said of the forum which will be held in Juba onMonday.

The conflict has killed tens of thousands of people anddisplaced millions that have sought refuge in neighbouringcountries.

The Western nations called into question the government'scommitment to reach peace through the National Dialogue, albeit thesincere efforts undertaken by the leaders of the SteeringCommittee.

"The Troika and EU agree with IGAD that the Forum should focuson achieving a ceasefire and resuming political dialogue thatfocuses on updating the agreement's timelines and other provisionsthat are now obsolete in light of the expansion of conflict since2015 Cheap Men's Superme x Nike Air Max 98 Shoes White ," it said.

"The proliferation of violence, displacement, and foodinsecurity renders any discussion of elections in the foreseeablefuture as an unnecessary diversion from the primary goals ofachieving peace and reconciliation Cheap Nike Air Max 270 Flyknit Triple Black Men's Shoes ," Troika said.

They called on South Sudan's leaders, neighbors, and regionaland international partners to first focus on achieving peace inorder to create the conditions needed to hold credibleelections.

"To achieve these urgent goals Cheap Men's Off-White x Nike Air Max 270 White , we look forward to the promptrevitalization of an inclusive and credible peace process by IGAD;such progress would be required in order for the Troika and EU tocommit further resources to institutions designed to implement theagreement," the countries said.

South Sudan descended into violence in December 2013 afterpolitical dispute between President Kiir and his former deputy RiekMachar led to fighting that pitted mostly Dinka ethnic soldiersloyal to Kiir against Machar's Nuer ethnic group.

The 2015 peace agreement to end the violence was again violatedin July 2016 when the rival factions resumed fighting in thecapital forcing Machar to flee into exile. Enditem

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